True Green Energy
Save up to 30% more with Hartree Solutions
True Green Energy
Save up to 30% more with Hartree Solutions
Hartree True Green Energy
100% renewable energy, direct to your site
Hartree Solutions, in conjunction with Ampyr our group company can supply 100% true green energy from new solar and wind generation projects connected directly via a “private wire” to your site thereby guaranteeing the green status of every kWh supplied. Hartree Solutions can provide access to remote renewable sites through a sleeved supply arrangement under which the green energy is dedicated to a customer.
Taking this approach provides material financial and environmental benefits to both your business and the planet. It creates guaranteed additionality of driving new investment in carbon-free projects within the UK, reducing the UK’s fossil fuel emissions.

The new Ampyr business is a Joint Venture
The new Ampyr business is a Joint Venture between Hartree and AGP, a global solar and wind developer which combines together the expertise of the AGP team that developed the 11.1 GW Equis solar, wind and hydro portfolio with Hartree’s merchant energy skills. Ampyr is initially focussing on the UK market and has plans to develop a 1GW onshore wind and solar portfolio.
Contact us for details of how Hartree Solutions & Ampyr can help you transition to a lower cost, lower carbon future
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